Interlocking vs Overlapping Grip: Pick the Right Golf Grip

Golf Golz
2 min readMay 29, 2024


When I step up to the first tee, there’s one thing on my mind: my grip. It’s the only connection I have to my club, and whether I interlock or overlap can make all the difference in my game. The debate between these two grips is as old as the sport itself, and it’s a decision that can impact every swing I take.

What Is An Overlapping Grip?

The Overlapping Grip, also known as the “Vardon Grip,” involves placing the little finger of the trailing hand between the index and middle fingers of the lead hand. This grip, favored by legends like Ben Hogan, offers accurate control and feel. It’s praised for its ability to improve swing fluidity and synchronicity.


  • Improved control and accuracy.
  • Comfortable for larger hands.
  • Can increase swing speed and distance.


  • Challenging for beginners.
  • Less stability for smaller hands.
  • Requires an adjustment period.

What Is An Interlocking Grip?

The Interlocking Grip, favored by players like Gary Player and Bubba Watson, involves interlocking the little finger of the trailing hand with the index finger of the lead hand. This grip provides a strong connection between the hands, enhancing control and stability during the swing.


  • Enhanced hand unity and control.
  • Comfortable for smaller hands.
  • Better control for high-handicap players.


  • Complex for beginners.
  • Possible increased tension.
  • Risk of inconsistency if not executed correctly.

Comparison Between Interlocking vs Overlapping Grips

The main difference lies in how the fingers interact with the club. While the Overlapping Grip offers more control and is comfortable for larger hands, the Interlocking Grip provides a tighter fit and enhanced stability, making it suitable for smaller hands or players seeking consistency.

Factors To Consider When Selecting A Grip Style

  • Hand size and strength.
  • Swing technique.
  • Injury considerations.

Ultimately, the best way to decide is to experiment. Spend time on the range trying both grips to see which feels more comfortable and provides a smoother swing with consistent ball control.

Looking for more information on this topic? Check out our website Golf Golz for in detailed guide about this topic. We also write content on the latest updates in golf and cover some more related and valuable topics which must be helpful for every golfer so I think you never miss out.

Practice And Transitioning Between Grips

Transitioning between grips takes practice. Start by getting a feel for each grip, then gradually incorporate them into your swing. Remember, comfort and consistency are key to a smooth swing and solid ball striking.


Whether you choose to overlap or interlock, the goal is the same: find a grip that feels comfortable and provides you with control to improve your golf game. Experimentation is key, so grab your clubs, head to the green, and start searching for your best grip!

